Ethereum ya se ha dividido en Ethereum y Ethereum Classic, con más bifurcaciones en el camino. NEO soporta múltiples lenguajes de programación, incluyendo C# y Java y, en el futuro, Python y Go, reduciendo en gran medida la barrera de entrada para que muchos programadores se involucren en la tecnología de bloqueo. 7/22/2018 · EOS and NEO: they are called Ethereum killers because they are perceived to have a better mousetrap than Ethereum. True, each has its own decentralized blockchain platform that appeal to Dapp developers, but each one has different shortcomings. It is a mistake to try to pick a single winner. The better approach is to own all three. 5/25/2019 · A facilitated discussion from subject matter experts from the NEO, Ethereum, and EOS communities. Our panelists: - Dylan Grabowski of NEO News Today & NEO